Quotes about bleep (7 Quotes)

    If something happened to one of the Venezuelan players, they got hurt, they can't play anymore, they won't give one (bleep) about them. But if they don't play, they will criticize them.

    What the Bleep Do We Know was not written with a deaf person in mind, but when they met me, it clicked with them to have me in it. But that happens with a lot of actors in Hollywood, not just with me.

    There's no math equation that equals ratings or demographics or even (takes into consideration) 'The Man Show.' What the (bleep) is 'The Man Show' audience You either go up there and connect, or you go up there and you don't connect,

    Bleep theory belongs in philosophy, not a science class. But I think it does have enough merit to be a topic of conversation somewhere other than the backwoods and closets.

    I hope they straighten it out. I hope you get him back. Make him do something. Tie him to a chain and put him out there with the dogs and give him a bone with no meat on it. Do something. If you want me to come and put a whip on his (bleep), I'll do that. Tell him I said it. If you need me to fly up here and kick his (bleep), I'll do it.

    It was a genuine slip of the tongue, ... I realized as I was starting to say puck that other sounds were coming out of my mouth, and I changed it to puck. And if you don't bleep out the middle part and play the whole thing, I think that's clear... It was an unfortunate slip of the tongue, and I am sorry for that. I tried my best to say it as they wanted me to say it, and it just came out.

    Im not alone in feeling the way I feel. I believe that a lot of people can relate to my bleep whether white, black, it doesnt matter. Everybody has been through some bleep, whether its drastic or not so drastic. Everybody gets to the point of I dont give a bleep.

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