Quotes about blockade (14 Quotes)

    For the next 1,000 years, the U.S. government, and those who promote the policy of the blockade against Cuba, will be pursued by this resolution of the international community,

    Workers have returned and started the evening shift. The blockade was opened voluntarily, and the protesters have given their demands to Freeport and the local administration. We will continue discussing their demands.

    He pretended to care for the people of Iraq after he and other presidents before him have killed by the use of weapons, including depleted uranium, and by the blockade which is now more than 12 years old, more than 1 million and 700,000 innocent Iraqis out of a population of 25 million citizens,

    If Iran decides for whatever reason to stop shipping oil, or if it wants to go ahead and blockade oil coming out through the Persian Gulf, then we're going to have a lot of problems. If we get a close over 71, then we're going to have to start picking numbers out of the air again as to how high it can go.

    We do think the appalling economic circumstances in the West Bank and Gaza, that the economic blockade by Israel, that the non-payment of revenues by Israel to the Palestinian Authority, that these things make the security situation worse,

    There is a professional business approach to dealing with issues and concerns. Yes, these people have made their point, ... I think it's now time to end the blockade and get down to the table to discuss what the real issues are with the customers that they serve.

    We are not calling for a blockade, but if oil companies decide they cannot send out lorries while there is a public presence at their site, then that is a matter for them.

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