Quotes about blockers (15 Quotes)

    Matt is so athletic that he adjusted quickly after being switched back to the middle. He's a perfectionist and is always looking to improve, and that's very special to me. Chris works extremely hard and has progressed more than anyone in our program. He is one of our best blockers. He has an opportunity to play some this year and his future is promising. Sean is coming along amazingly fast after being moved to middle blocker. He's working hard and has a chance to see some playing time.

    I went to college and I can do math. If you have only six blockers and they're going to send seven to eight guys each time, you just can't run it.

    Teams tend to double off him sometimes and leave him open. He's shooting with confidence. If he plays with aggression, it puts a lot of pressure on some big men. And if he attacks shot blockers it helps us get in the lane a little easier.

    Casey has been so solid for us. He's kind of the rock in the middle of that defense and he's a guy that uses up two blockers. He's got great balance, he can still go sideline to sideline and has a good feel for the game and understands what teams are doing to him.

    He is so solid for us. He's kind of a rock in the middle of that defense. He uses up two blockers. He has great balance. He's just a very steady, consistent player. He won't have a lot of sacks or tackles. But when you watch him on film, you can see how important he is to our defense.

    I think we played as well on defense as we've played maybe in a year or two. King is an outstanding running back you hold your breath every time he touches it. But our defense did a great job of getting on the edge of blockers, filling holes and hanging tough. When you don't give him places to run, it's hard to gain a lot of yards.

    Most shot blockers will defend primarily on the ball or help from the weak side. Justin Williams can come from anywhere at any time. You have to be in the mind-set that you're either going to pull up and make a shot or find the man he left and punish him by making the extra pass to an open guy.

    I thought our wide receivers really stepped it up in blocking, ... Because with a lot of the perimeter running that we do, they become point-of-attack blockers, and they really did a good job.

    This feels good - my first game at tailback and I get athlete of the week, ... I couldn't do it without my blockers but it feels good. I wouldn't be able to do it without my team helping me out.

    I told (my blockers) to open up a hole and I'd take it home, ... I was supposed to keep right, but I had seen a hole in the middle and I took the daylight. I'm grateful for my teammates.

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