Quotes about bogus (16 Quotes)

    The reality is that unrecorded inventories are huge. This is an old argument -- a bogus argument -- that has been presented for many years, but there is no long-term silver shortage.

    The overall picture, as the boys say, is of a degraded community whose idealism even is largely fake. The pretentiousness, the bogus enthusiasm, the constant drinking, the incessant squabbling over money, the all-pervasive agent, the strutting of the big shots (and their usually utter incompetence to achieve anything they start out to do), the constant fear of losing all this fairy gold and being the nothing they have never ceased to be, the snide tricks, the whole damn mess is out of this world.

    The distractions that people think we're gonna have, that's bogus for most of the guys on the team. This is such a great time for all of us. It doesn't concern me or any of my teammates.

    There was not anything in there that most of us on the committee didn't already know, ... I believe that this story that the president had strong information to act on -- that's a bogus story.

    All they need to do is to set up some website somewhere selling some bogus product at twenty percent of the normal market prices and people are going to be tricked into providing their credit card numbers.

    There are initiatives in place to deter counterfeiters and those who sell fraudulent or phony products to prevent or treat avian flu. The use of unproven flu cures and treatments increases the risk of catching and spreading the flu rather than lessening it because people assume they are protected and safe and they aren't. I consider it a public health hazard when people are lured into using bogus treatments based on deceptive or fraudulent medical claims.

    The argument on the other side of special rights is completely bogus. It's bogus because you could make exactly the same claim about racial or ethnic or religious minorities.

    Bogus arguments are going out to delay the inevitable competition. Our competitors are making false accusations to attempt to maintain their monopoly. We will continue to offer communities the same benefits as other companies, and government, public and educational channels will still be provided. Also we will be paying higher franchise fees to the municipalities, and that's money that they may need in the community.

    There is nothing free or fabulous about these bogus offers, ... These 'discount vacation packages' often cost consumers more than airfare, hotel and fees would cost them separately.

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