Quotes about bolt-on (6 Quotes)

    This acquisition is consistent with Morgan Stanley's stated strategy of growing our international business by taking opportunities for bolt-on acquisitions and further underscores our increasing resource commitment to the UK and Europe.

    We tend to view small bolt-on acquisitions in niche segments or regions as positive with ice cream part of the trading-up-to-premium-brands phenomena we are seeing in other food categories such as coffee and chocolate.

    This recent wave of merger news provides some of the strongest evidence yet that companies are willing to do some long-term planning. The kind of deals getting announced not just bolt-on acquisitions but transformational deals,

    Access management is a core part of a customer security strategy. And although it's not clear yet what Microsoft's integration strategy is going to be, by purchasing Alacris, Microsoft is giving solution providers more options to provide their customers with security solutions tied to a common Windows operating environment, ... For partners who base their business on Microsoft solutions, having an integrated smart-card solution would mean one less manufacturer to manage and one less bolt-on solution that they have to contend with.

    We are big enough at this stage to grow our business strongly. I am not ruling out what you may describe as bolt-on acquisitions -- what I am ruling out is a significant merger or anything like that.

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