Quotes about bombardment (13 Quotes)

    The first stage had been all over before the doctors even knew they were dealing with a new sickness; it was the direct reaction to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays.

    I don't think Sharon had intended by doing this tonight to give the peace process any chance at all. Nothing justifies the targeting and the bombardment of this residential area.

    Cities are distinguished by the catastrophic forms they presuppose and which are a vital part of their essential charm. New York is King Kong, or the blackout, or vertical bombardment Towering Inferno. Los Angeles is the horizontal fault, California breaking off and sliding into the Pacific Earthquake.

    Understanding, and action proceeding from understanding and guided by it, is one weapon against the world's bombardment, the one medicine, the one instrument by which liberty, health, and joy may be shaped ... in the individual, and in the race.

    There is a broad and widely dispersed program infrastructure that could be targeted. It's not an easy target package to target but you could do it in a sustained aerial bombardment campaign.

    Imagination is the outreaching of mind . . . . the bombardment of the conscious mind with ideas, impulses, images and every sort of psychic phenomena welling up from the preconscious. It is the capacity to dream dreams and see visions . . . .

    It shows that it was not only big cats our ancestors had to be afraid of. It was also these creatures from the air -- aerial bombardment if you will, that were stressors to our ancestors that grew and shaped and formed our behavior today.

    The young watch television twenty-four hours a day, they don't read and they rarely listen. This incessant bombardment of images has developed a hypertrophied eye condition that's turning them into a race of mutants. They should pass a law for a total reeducation of the young, making children visit the Galleria Borgese on a daily basis.

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