Quotes about bookkeeping (9 Quotes)

    An important one that comes to mind is the California Scholarship Federation, which requires a lot of bookkeeping and also supervising, as the advisor calculates and administers academic honors and rewards for graduation. I know the work of this club was begun well before it was clear there would be no stipend.

    QuickBooks has become the standard in the business world. When mastered, this software proves to be incredibly beneficial. Not only do we conduct bookkeeping with QuickBooks, we also teach businesses how to become more proficient with it.

    Some businesses may be so busy that they're looking for an extra hand in terms of bookkeeping. Or, they may want guidance in reshaping their bookkeeping methods. Whatever the reason is, we're there to help out.

    Our conversion schedule is proceeding as planned. As part of that plan we took a break in January to allow year-end bookkeeping, similar to the breaks we take at the end of each quarter.

    The last year and a half the bookkeeping was not filed and kept as neat as it should have been. This I have no excuse other than I was working too many jobs and didn't have the time. But during this time I did not take money that did not belong to me either in a paycheck or reimbursement for expenses or supplies purchased.

    Regarding Heber J. Grants penmanship As a youth, President Heber J. Grants penmanship was so poor that when two of his friends looked at it, one said to the other, 'That writing looks like hen tracks.' 'No,' said the other, 'it looks as if lightning has struck an ink bottle.' This, of course, touched Heber Grants pride, and he worked so diligently, so hard on it, that, while still in his teens and working as a policy clerk in the office of H. R. Mann and Co., he was offered three times his salary to go to San Francisco as a penman. He later became a teacher of penmanship and bookkeeping at the University of Deseret. In fact, with a specimen he had written before he turned seventeen, he took first prize in a territorial fair against four professional penmen.

    To devise an information processing system capable of getting along on its own - it must handle its own problems of programming, bookkeeping, communication and coordination with its users. It must appear to its users as a single, integrated personality.

    America has run the world for at least the past 50 years, and when you're at the top that long, you forget what it's like in the valley. There are 5 billion people out there now who are willing to study harder, work harder for less money and be more industrious than we are. And we're linked to them by technology. With telecommunications, you can have your bookkeeping done in Madra, India, for less than it costs here. Today technology can replace whole new industries, so you have to stay flexible. To survive today, you have to be able to walk on quicksand and dance with electrons.

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