Quotes about bradleys (10 Quotes)

    I think lately there has been (movement). I remember last night we had many possessions where everybody touched the ball and guys were getting movement. Especially when Kevin Ollies in the game and Michael Bradleys in the game, we tend to get a whole lot of movement, being we dont have a scorer like Allen in the game.

    When a guy has to sit for whatever reason, another guys steps in. Michael Bradley's a prime example. He's been impressive. He has pretty much taken advantage of an opportunity with guys being out.

    Fortunately for Kent, this tempest in a Petri dish has since been squashed, but it was Bradleys other comments that are echoing in Major League Baseballs executive suites. He said, Me being an African American is the most important thing to me more important than baseball, White people never want to see race with anything. But theres race involved in baseball. Thats why theres less than 9 percent African American representation in the game. ... Im one of the few African Americans that starts here.

    I think Bradley's story was a good example of taking an idea and running with it. I think he showed some real leadership in taking an idea and turning it into something really tangible.

    If only Bradley's minor heart problem hadn't surfaced just at the time of the Iowa vote, then resurfaced in the New York Times the Sunday before New Hampshire when we were coming on strong.

    We are deeply saddened by the loss of Bradley and it is an extremely difficult time for us as a team. There are no words to express our feelings and Bradley's impact on this team. Our prayers go out to his family and loved ones.

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