Quotes about brendan (16 Quotes)

    I'm very happy with the way a lot of the younger kids have stepped up to this point. Nick Carey, Brendan O'Brien, Ryan Shields, Ryan Schmid, Rob Mills quite a lot of kids who were waiting in the wings have gotten stronger. We're asking them for a lot more swims this year. So far, they've responded. We know a lot of our tougher meets are ahead of us.

    He has a difficult task on his hands as far as carrying a team but not just carrying it by scoring, ... It's night in, night out making the next guy better, making the guy who is supposedly average, making him better than average. Gilbert can score. The next task will be getting Brendan Haywood, Jarvis Hayes, even Jamison, easy shots. Make the game come easy to those guys and make them step the level of their games up. I feel that's the next step for him.

    If we have a lead in the seventh inning and you're throwing him two innings and Frankie one, we're looking pretty good, ... Everybody knows what Escobar can do, and he's giving guys like myself and Brendan Donnelly some rest. And if you look at what we've

    Brendan Witt is playing great. He blocks shots. He is also a leader. With him in the lineup the whole defense has the pressure taken off of them. We have a lot of young guys and a veteran like Brendan helps them play better.

    Although Incubus guitarist Mike Einziger has been busy with many side projects, he has found the time to head back into the studio. MTV.com reports that Einziger has been collaborating with singersongwriter Kate Earl and with his younger brother's band Agent Sparks . Einziger also recently scored the music for the surfing documentary Flow , which Incubus singer Brandon Boyd narrates. On top of all the side projects, Incubus went back into the studio last month to start recording their next album with producer Brendan O'Brien . It doesn't look like Incubus is slowing down any time soon, ... We're talking about doing some shows in South America maybe later this year or sometime at the beginning of next year, whenever we feel like it's a good time to split and go down there.

    Barlow's match was tremendous. He came out and shot a double and almost took him to his back in the first 10 seconds. It was 4-0 after a blink of the eye. Brendan wrestled a smart match. He got ahead and stayed ahead.

    Brendan, it's time for you to put your money where your mouth is. If you are sincere in your statement that a premium bid for the company is not worthy of discussion, then we must insist that you demonstrate your conviction by acquiring shares.

    Spectators came from far away. The Queen of Camelot, the Duchess of Astor the court architect, Philip of Glass (who has lately turned to stone) and the court's prose laureate, Brendan the Quill.

    We've really been stressing denying wing perimeter passes and getting out into passing lanes. Peter Barrows and Brendan Rafferty are doing a much better job on that, so that leaves Hansen and Pierson to play the post defense.

    It's good for us to seen Brendan working so hard. Most big men, they stop working at a certain point. This is his fifth year and he's gotten better each year. He was in the gym the whole summer working on his body, trying not to get out of shape so he should have a good year.

    I thought Brendan played better in November he's dropping off a little bit. We need Brendan to come back and play at a high level for us. I just don't have an answer why there is some slippage there.

    Obviously there are two different reactions after the matches. With Harvey, we more expected it - it's business as usual. With Brendan, I'm hugging and jumping.

    We started off making a full album with Brendan in his studio in Detroit and had nine or 10 songs done, then he got busy with his own record and we started talking to Jack and Meg about touring together. So we decided to do something for the road, and it turned out that the five completed songs made a kind of cool record, with this dreamier, darker mood than some of our other stuff.

    Brendan has been a mentor to me, ... He went out on the track and showed me the line. He told me to get out there and run my pace, and I will gradually build up my confidence. In the test session, I was only two-tenths of a second off of him, so I'll take that as a confidence booster.

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