Quotes about bulging (8 Quotes)

    My vibe doesn't include people standing at attention when I show up with their eyes bulging out. People think I'm the guy down the street, which is heartwarming. My kids also think I'm the dorky square guy.

    Reservoirs aren't supposed to stay full. Through April, we were bulging at the core. And then along come the middle of May, and it started drying up. We're right where we should be.

    Since the order books at Boeing are bulging at the moment, with many of those orders coming from abroad, aircraft exports could continue to be a big positive for the trade deficit for some time to come,

    Bulging waistlines are growing, and they are going to cost taxpayers more dollars, and it's going to cost us in years of life and quality of life, regardless of where you live. We can, and must, do better to start to turn around this obesity epidemic.

    Wholesalers had been struggling with bulging inventories through the winter and spring, ... However, plunging sales had largely thwarted their efforts. July's improvement is a welcome respite in this struggle.

    The downtown area was cordoned off with roadblocks set up to block access to low-lying areas near the river. Schools, downtown businesses and many government offices were closed. It's basically bulging, ... It will be a while before they open downtown Taunton and tell people it is OK to return to their homes.

    Last summer as you recall the planes were bulging at the seams full of passengers, so there's a lot of equipment on those routes now that the airlines are trying to keep full this winter.

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