Quotes about cabins (15 Quotes)

    I sent out an e-mail yesterday that people who fled the storm to lodges and cabins get to stay. People like you and me who still have a place to stay but who had a reservation at the park will get a gift certificate, or a room at another state park. I don't think that will be a problem with anyone who has an ounce of humanity in his bones.

    Sometimes, this takes a bit more digging to determine what vacationers want. For instance, I have found that cabins in the Smoky Mountains have a difficult time renting if they do not have a pool table. Colorado visitors like a hot tub and like to be on the trolley line for the ski slopes. Some vacationers want off-street parking where parking is tough.

    Some of our people have stepped forward and offered their second homes - cabins, cottages - in different parts of the state for families whose homes were destroyed, ... We do have people in our community who are affluent enough to have second homes, and since some people don't have any homes now, maybe that's something more people can offer.

    The trucks back then didn't have sleepers on them and they would stop here, eat dinner, sleep in one of the cabins and then eat breakfast the next morning. When I-5 opened the truckers weren't coming by as much.

    Everyone has plans of early retirement or what their future is going to hold, which is why I got some rental cabins. I had that on the side anyway. I said this is an opportunity where I can expand and do some of my own maintenance and upkeep. I take care of my own properties.

    Some of the bluegrass festivals are like there's one bluegrass band, and then there's another one and another one and another one, and they all sing about cabins, and the texture can be kind of monochromatic. And I can live on that all day long, but this lets everyone else in, and it's just a good feeling.

    It isn't always about market share. You can always win market share by picking up customers that the number one company doesn't want. The question is can you make a living from that picking up and servicing marginal users but at a profit. It is like running a delivery service, making sure you go to places that FedEx doesn't -- like Indian villages, hermits in cabins out in the woods.

    Many of these ships still have 20 or 30 years of life left in them and can accommodate several hundred passengers in great comfort. We will take a retired cruise ship and convert every two to three cabins into luxury suites and sell them to investors.

    Doug Allen, owner of Eagle's Nest Cabins Homes, hesitated to comment Monday, saying he's trying to move forward with his life. We had our day in court, and that's all, ... It's been a long haul, and I don't think we're quite over this.

    With nearly eighty million baby boomers starting to retire this year, and a large number of them wanting to live where it's warm, someone needed to come up with a solution, so I thought of assembling a group of investors to purchase a cruise ship and convert the cabins to condominiums.

    There's some minor damage done to the ship, ... There's no water right now, for instance, in some places, and I believe one of the grenades actually went off in one of the cabins, but everyone on board is fine.

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