Quotes about cables (16 Quotes)

    The long span of the bridge of your life is supported by countless cables called habits, attitudes, and desires. What you do in life depends upon what you are and what you want. What you get from life depends upon how much you want ithow much you are willing to work and plan and cooperate and use your resources. The long span of the bridge of your life is supported by countless cables that you are spinning now, and that is why today is such an important day. Make the cables strong.

    The cables that hold up (the Brooklyn Bridge) on big stone piers are beautiful and not hidden. It's metal in your face taking traditional material and putting it to use in a way that you can see what it can do.

    Health reform has been like a car with a dead battery. I think this will provide the jumper cables. I think we could do it with a five-year plan. I think we have a situation where health insurance premiums are going up at four times the rate of wages. So the American worker is caught in a squeeze I think the lesson from Massachusetts is that if we get together and split the differences, and come up with compromise approaches, we don't have to turn the health care system upside down. We don't have to go to a socialized approach. We can do this within the context of our system.

    We spend, on average, a couple of hundred thousand dollars an episode, which is a fraction of what the networks spend on dramas, ... We sort of look at these documentaries as cable's version of the drama.

    As we have seen, WikiLeaks is a robust organization. During my time in solitary confinement in the basement of a Victorian prison, we continue to release, our media partners continued to write stories. The important revelations from this material continue to come out. We have approximately 2,000 cables into 250,000.

    These cables place John Howard at the very heart of our very worst national scandal. We believe that they are culpably negligent and we accuse them of turning a blind eye and these cables prove conclusively that that is exactly what they did.

    I also urge the Obama administration - both on its own and in cooperation with other responsible governments around the world - to use all legal means necessary to shut down WikiLeaks before it can do more damage by releasing additional cables. WikiLeaks' activities represent a shared threat to collective international security.

    Since NBC's acquisition of Bravo in December 2002, twelve million subscribers have been added reflecting an overwhelming support from our cable and satellite affiliate partners. This marked growth in distribution exemplifies NBC Universal Cable's commitment to building and extending the Bravo brand to consumers and distributors. Bravo is clearly meeting and will continue to meet the demand for strong programming in the arts and pop culture niche.

    I will not comment on or confirm what are alleged to be stolen State Department cables. But I can say that the United States deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, including private discussions between counterparts or our diplomats' personal assessments and observations.

    HTS technology is attracting strong attention for a broad range of military and commercial applications. In addition to future U. S. Navy generators, HTS wire is currently powering ship propulsion motors, electric grid power cables, synchronous condensers and specialty magnets. We value the opportunity to work once more with our strategic alliance partner, Northrop Grumman, in developing a key component of the Navy's integrated power systems for its future all-electric ships.

    And I have been able to give freedom and life which was acknowledged in the ecstasy of walking hand in hand across the most beautiful bridge of the world, the cables enclosing us and pulling us upward in such a dance as I have never walked and never can walk with another.

    Yes, the Army Corps was involved with the Gilboa Dam situation. They took part in a workshop on the subject and reviewed the city's plans for stabilizing the dam. The Corps will also be involved in another Gilboa workshop in February, about the anchoring cables that are going to be installed.

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