Quotes about calming (16 Quotes)

    The one thing I didn't want to do was get into any type of jumpiness, ... Any type of anything in my body besides just focus on the baseball. And it's pretty calming to step into at the plate in that situation. I have no idea, no reason why.

    We had a lot of parents, many unfamiliar with classical music, say that they really liked Ravel. They asked to keep it after the study, because it was helpful in putting their baby to sleep, or calming the baby at feeding time.

    Robbie has been a huge asset to me more so than anything else with the race car. He's a very calming individual and he has a good sense about him and he has been through a championship chase.

    I need something to do when I'm not working, or I crawl up the walls. So I've just taken up kung fu. I was looking for some kind of calming, relaxing activity. I tried yoga, but it wasn't really me.

    We've had to come from behind and he's done that. He's done a great job of handling adversity, calming guys down, making little jokes in the huddle. That's just the way he is.

    We're a work in progress and we're scrambling and scratching and clawing to kind of be what we were so proud to be earlier. And we're close. We're getting there sort of in fits and starts. But it's a matter of settling down, calming down and believing in everything that we're capable of doing within our system and we'll be fine.

    If the 5 S's are done exactly right with just enough vigor, the calming reflex will be turned on and the baby will stop crying. If a parent can get the baby to stop crying they feel like a million bucks, but if they can't they feel miserable. Parents need to be taught how to quiet their babies.

    The terrorist attack (suicide bombing) was crazy and cruel, ... The retaliation was perhaps natural, but totally unneeded, and did not contribute anything to calming down the situation.

    What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter - a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.

    Hugging trees has a calming effect on me. I'm talking about enormous trees that will be there when we are all dead and gone. I've hugged trees in every part of this little island.

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