Quotes about cameraman (15 Quotes)

    As for Clive Barker -- he spent virtually all day with his fans. First at an autograph session that went on far longer than it was scheduled to for the simple reason that the accomplished horror master took the time to converse with each and every fan like he was visiting with an old friend. Having interviewed Barker on a number of occasions I can attest to his warmth as an interview subject. On one occasion my cameraman was late due to traffic so Barker suggested we head down to the bar in the downtown Hilton Hotel for a drink where he proceeded to sign a copy of one of his books for me, not just sign it, but sketch an original piece of his unique artwork on the blank reverse side of the title page. Today he was cheerful and happy to be among his fans and readers. I do love these events, ... It is a chance to interact in a direct and personal way. So when I do agree to attend such an event, I wholeheartedly throw myself headlong into it.

    There is the danger of over preparation, of loss of spontaneity; over rehearsal is the most terrible thing you can imagine. We do have a very close association between costume and set designer, though. And the cameraman is very important, of course.

    My cameraman and I devised a method, which we started using from my second film, which applies mainly to day scenes shot in the studio, where we used bounced light instead of direct light. We agreed with this thing of four or five shadows following the actors is dreadful.

    Yes, if I had it my way I would do all the shots myself - I used to do that when I was just a cameraman, an operator - but there's no way; you can't do that anymore.

    Well, I storyboard the films from every shot and from every angle. I specify to the cameraman where the camera should be and what lens he should use and then I work out all the moves for the actors. Of course this can change, but I would have to say that 95 of the time the film is done exactly the way I have storyboarded it.

    Most of the time there's just one associate producer who's also acting as a camera operator. At certain times, we'll send a cameraman and an audio person. But even in those cases, there is zero interaction, unless the producer decides to interview the castaway about what's going on. You ask anybody who's spent a night on Exile Island and I think they'll tell you that they felt very much alone.

    It was overcast and chilly on that Wednesday afternoon, and the temperamental Williams was in a cantankerous mood as he chased away panting writers and photographers before the game. After one cameraman tried to snap him in the clubhouse, Ed Linn wrote in his 1993 biography, Hitter, ... Get one like this

    People always seem to assume that we have a full, back-up support team - make-up, costume and a driver - but usually, in a war zone, there's only me and the cameraman.

    We gave specific instructions to the cameraman that he has to pan out and get everyone in the picture. The purpose is for people to be seen in this movie.

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