Quotes about canberra (15 Quotes)

    In a couple of months time after the girls have settled back in Australia we'll be extending an invitation for them to come to the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra so they can undergo intensive daily physiotherapy,

    He is trying to exploit their naivete, not knowing all the things that happen in Canberra and all the things their dad would be up to, just as no politician's children would know every single thing that the politician does at work,

    The Canberra winter should provide the perfect conditions to prepare for the Eden Park Test. Already this year we've looked at spending more time in Test match cities and preparing in the conditions we can expect on match days.

    He has been a decent player in the past, having progressed through the Institute of Sport in Canberra but things have not worked out here. Daniel has got an opportunity now to get sorted out with perhaps a Victorian State League team and get himself back to fitness and show another A-League team that he is worthy of a contract for next season.

    The political significance of a much earlier than expected slowdown in trend growth from the 3.75 per cent average of the last 14 years to a rate around 1 percentage point less has not yet dawned on Canberra - but sooner or later it certainly will.

    I had some vague memory of visiting Canberra as a lad, when we came up with my father by car. But when I made the long train journey from Sydney to Canberra and arrived at the little stop, I did wonder slightly whether this really was the national capital.

    We have also made the decision to have only 1 per cent of the fund invested in fixed interest. Instead, we use investments like the RG Casey building in Canberra to deliver a higher annuity style income for rents for long periods.

    In fact, if you look at the core part of the governmental system in Canberra, foreign affairs, defense the whole intelligence apparatus, that's geared to knowing these things.

    It's a very good deal so I'm excited. I've had a great run in Canberra but it's time to move on. Obviously I've had a lot of injuries and issues with my legs and, for me, I felt it was best to go to a shorter season where I can have time after the WNBA in Australia to undergo rehabilitation.

    Because each are going to blame each other. The thing that Canberra has to really get right is the sharing of the resource. But my problem with people in the government who are there for a short time is that there's no consequences for some of these decisions they make.

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