Quotes about cantankerous (12 Quotes)

    There was a time when Mick and I could have argued forever over the most mundane things. The color of the album cover could turn into a life-and-death debate. I used to think he was getting too big for his boots, and he probably thought I was a cantankerous sod.

    This really muddies the waters on jobs, ... I continue to see a lot of labor market distress, and I am more impressed by the sudden weakness in the Challenger report than by the rebound in the cantankerous ISM.

    I think I got very lucky on this, ... The Red Sox players of that team just were particularly pleasant. Ted Williams was larger than life and exuberant and contentious and cantankerous, but great fun to be with.

    Debating is something candidates are expected to do. If the debates are lively and cantankerous, it advances the cause of the public being able to make a choice for the Republican nominee.

    It was overcast and chilly on that Wednesday afternoon, and the temperamental Williams was in a cantankerous mood as he chased away panting writers and photographers before the game. After one cameraman tried to snap him in the clubhouse, Ed Linn wrote in his 1993 biography, Hitter, ... Get one like this

    I don't think that the flesh is necessarily treacherous, evil, bad. It is cantankerous, and it is independent. The idea of independence is the key. It really is like colonialism. The colonies suddenly decide that they can and should exist with their own personality and should detach from the control of the mother country. At first the colony is perceived as being treacherous. It's a betrayal. Ultimately, it can be seen as the separation of a partner that could be very valuable as an equal rather than as something you dominate.

    The blunt and cantankerous Rhodes, who resigned after two years in Denver as Mike Shanahan's defensive coordinator -- the Broncos had the league's sixth-ranked unit last season but were shaky in the red zone and on third down -- is being hailed as a savior by the Seahawks' veteran defenders. Springs, whose contract expires after this season, isn't sure whether this will be his last year in Seattle, but he's certainly excited about the season ahead. If I look bad in Ray Bob's defense, ... then I can't play.

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