Quotes about canvass (5 Quotes)

    For a writer to sit before a blank page, as a painter before a white canvass or general before a bloodless field before the first scribble of creation, is a moment like no other. The writer is consumed by the trice of bliss, jollity, determination, and sensitive to a true and deepest affection.

    I think in 2006 we will introduce another Perrier, ... Some people want an international award, to separate the British from others, and others still want a pure standup award, with no slides or sketch comedy. It's my job now to canvass opinion as to what it should be.

    But I think that's a particular kind of experience involving a certain immediacy between you and the canvass, you and the particular kind of experience of that particular moment.

    I do not feel any artist can produce great art without putting great personality into it. It is always a piece of you that goes on the screen or the canvass.

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