Quotes about capitalized (16 Quotes)

    I can't blame the effort tonight. We played hard and probably deserved a better fate. We're on the road. We did some good things, and they capitalized on some mistakes, and that cost us tremendous effort.

    Many years ago, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote a theological book in which he capitalized the word Hell. His editor corrected it by putting in a small h. ... Because it's a real place

    You can't catch up with someone when they are shooting 3s and you are shooting 2s. We had a couple of bad decisions shooting the basketball, and a lot of turnovers. Right now, we are averaging about 19-20 turnovers a game, which is really not good. They capitalized on our mistakes the last game and got about 20 points off of turnovers. We just need to cut down on our mistakes this time.

    We threw four interceptions, one they returned for a TD, and they scored 22 points off of them. You're not going to win a game when that happens. The difference tonight was two things. The first thing was they capitalized on our turnovers and we didn't capitalize on theirs. And the second thing was their defensive line beat our offensive line at the point of attack.

    We had a lot of shots, a lot of (scoring) chances. (But) we didn't put them away when we had the opportunities. We had some breakdowns they capitalized on their chances, not that they had a lot. But our mistakes cost us.

    Friday night in Sauk Centre was a rough night. We started off playing tough but did not convert on key free throws once we were in the bonus. This led to some momentum for Sauk, and they capitalized.

    I am leaving Javelin in a good place -- well capitalized with a strong management team and on the brink of commercialization of its first product. Over the past five years, I have taken great pride and enjoyed helping to build Javelin and intend to return to the venture capital community to help entrepreneurs create earlier-stage companies.

    In the third quarter, everything was smooth. We were moving the basketball. We got good shots and we came out of the quarter up by six. Then in the fourth quarter, we got complacent and wouldn't move the basketball, and that resulted in some key turnovers that they capitalized on. That was the difference in the game.

    Insurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political, financial and military support, and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined.

    It is like I said earlier this week, they want to win the kicking game, play sound defense and play field position with you. We made some mistakes tonight and they capitalized on it.

    Most of the season I was moving the chains as kind of the third down guy and I probably should've had some touchdowns during the year, but during in the Sun Bowl, I capitalized on some deep balls, ... I just got underneath them and got behind the defense. It was a very good game for me to cap off my year.

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