Quotes about caramel (8 Quotes)

    It was an instinct to put the world in order that powered her mending split infinitives and snipping off dangling participles, smoothing away the knots and bumps until the prose before her took on a sheen, like perfect caramel.

    Lemme just talk to you for a second about something that I think is good for America caramel apples, ... I had one last night. Delicious. Not talking about candy apples. I think candy apples are a danger You crack 'em, they're very sharp. You candy apple crowd need to wake up

    It's a neutral that goes with everything, ... and the caramels range really from real caramel all the way to sort of flesh, nude, almost a pink shade. And I think those neutrals, both on the foot and in the hand, look new this season.

    Recently, cupcakes have developed even greater panache. Like home-baked meatloaf and real mashed potatoes, they are terribly chic. . . . They are often coated in fudge or caramel and might have a candied violet or white chocolate shavings on top.

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