Quotes about cardio (8 Quotes)

    Cardio tennis is great. It is great for the sport but, most important, it is great for the player. It is fun, players can get fit and they can improve their game too.

    In terms of cardio equipment, the interactive console is the most innovative technology to come out. The computers take your biofeedback and if you had a stressed day, it'll react on the biofeedback. Most people don't understand the biomechanics and physiology of exercising, but you can just tell the machine what to do and it'll figure out the rest for you. If you want to know how much fat you're burning, or your target heart rate, just press a button and the machine will tell you.

    I'll give it a go. It felt good today getting up and down (the court). If I had some more practices, my wind would be a lot better. But the good thing is I did a lot of cardio while I was out, so I'm not that far behind as far as my wind.

    There's no point in dwelling on all that. I'm way better now than at this time last year. I didn't do as much heavy lifting, more stretching and cardio. I know I'm going to go through a lull when I don't feel good -- it happens to every pitcher -- but right now I feel good.

    I find myself doing three times the work I did when I first came into the league. But that's the case for any player in his 30s. The older you are, the more professional you have to be in taking care of your joints as well as your diet, your weight, your cardio. I've made some life-altering decisions in the areas of exercise and diet that have rejuvenated my career. I feel healthier and more athletic. I feel as young as I did in college.

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