Quotes about carnell (11 Quotes)

    It takes time. Carnell and myself, we were together for four years, so we had the opportunity to hang out a lot. On this level, it's a little different. People have lives as far as families and stuff away from here, so you don't find yourself hanging out as much.

    We might have a scratchy throat, we might have something wrong with us. But if you can play, by gosh, we're going to play. Carnell Williams is that type of kid. ... If there's any way he can play, I'm convinced he would go.

    We'll see. We might not do it at all, ... That might just be smokescreen because we do have other venues that we attack with. To have the emergence of Earnest Graham is big. We all know that Pittman can function in any formation and Carnell is a guy we think can be great, so yeah, we're really excited. It's been a while.

    He thought it would be best for him to sit the rest of the game and try to get right for next week, ... We don't really know the severity of this hamstring. It might just be a contusion of some kind. ... We're meeting with him at this time and I can't speculate publicly any more until Carnell and the doctors have had a chance to look at this further.

    We've got some young guys contributing here for the first time in a long time. Guys like Mike Clayton, Carnell Williams, Alex Smith, a lot of these guys are not only playing, they're starting. So this team needed an injection of young players.

    They keep grinding and grinding until it has a cumulative effect on the opposition. It tends to wear down the defense. Minnesota has done a great job with two tailbacks. Last year, Auburn did a great job of that with Carnell Williams and Ronnie Brown. It keeps them fresh over the course of a season as well as the course of a game.

    For me it's pretty much a similar situation to what it was in college for Carnell and myself. So I think the fact I've experienced that could be pretty helpful on this level.

    I think for Carnell it's been a little tough from the standpoint of coming out of college, me and him splitting time, ... Then to come to a level like this and to have 37 carries and 26 carries on back-to-back weeks, that's pretty tough on your body.

    I tell him you're going to have another top 10 pick again in the draft, he tells me what they're gonna do to us. Carnell is like a brother to me. . . . We love each other. We'll keep it tight. We just try to compete against each other so much. . . . He kn

    But you've still got to be able to run on them some. Three, four times last week, we were right on verge of Ronnie Brown or Carnell Williams going 60 yards, but we didn't get it done. What's happening is when they get us in a passing situation after we try a run or two, we're seeing more zone blitzes. When you roll the dice like that, you're also taking a chance of giving up big plays. We've dropped a couple passes that could have been big plays.

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