Quotes about cartels (15 Quotes)

    Although some member countries have signaled an interest in reducing the cartel's production output target of 28 million bd due to concerns of oversupply, a reduction is unlikely, in our view, given the current high crude oil prices, which have gained 5bbl this year primarily as a result of a geopolitical risk in Iran and Nigeria.

    Today's action deals another blow to the notorious Mexican drug cartels by targeting their financial webs, ... In addition, we're utilizing critical authorities that allow us to freeze assets while we further investigate their potential ties to Mexican drug kingpins.

    Today's charge demonstrates our continuing commitment to prosecute and deter cartels that harm American consumers. We are gratified to bring to justice another member of the DRAM cartel, which is one of the largest cartels ever discovered.

    OFAC continues to work closely with the Drug Enforcement Administration in its narcotics sanctions investigations to expose front companies and corrupt individuals controlled by the drug cartels in Mexico ,

    With the successful dismantling of some of the biggest cartels in Colombia, it was only natural that the Mexicans, who had for years had close contacts with the Colombians and knew the routes and the business, would take over, ... Now, they are fighting among themselves.

    Barack Obama is the worst president in history. In my generation, we'll inherit a weakened country, drug cartels in Mexico, tax cartels in D.C. What's happened to America? I love Arizona. I was raised right. Somebody has to go to Washington and knock the hell out of the place.

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