Quotes about carters (12 Quotes)

    Carter's approach is to try to decide what was best for the nation. He was trained as an engineer - his approach was to study a problem and reach his own conclusions and proceed. It's Carter being Carter.

    With Brad van Hoff in center, if the ball goes up, it's pretty much caught out there. The kid can run. Charlie Carter's one of the best athletes I've seen around here at Eastside, as far as all-around baseball players. He can do it all.

    Bush's commitment to diversity on the federal courts is borne out by the numbers, said federal court scholar Sheldon Goldman, political science professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His record has been the best record of any Republican president, ... It exceeds his father's record. It's not as good as President Clinton's record, but it's close to President Carter's. Carter was the breakthrough administration for diversity or nontraditional appointments.

    We are extremely disappointed in Anthony Carter's actions last night. Disciplinary action will be determined once all the details are made clear and Anthony has had an opportunity to defend himself through the legal process.

    Beyond the bleeding ears, how skewed is Carter's worldview right now While the league's decision seems a bit petty (even Tim Duncan was spied with a pair of headphones on while shooting before San Antonio's home opener), Carter's reaction to the news was Vince at his petulant best. Why ... Oh, Lord. It's going to hurt my routine big time.

    Throughout Carter's career, he's paid a lot of political price for this approach. I can't imagine he's very popular in south Georgia this morning. What's unusual is he seems more concerned about the south Connecticut economy than the south Georgia economy.

    Kanye West took Sean Carter's grown man look to a different level. I remember when white dudes were the only ones who wore blazers and jeans. Now you gotta look like that to even go to the club,

    The president is right about the wisdom of conservation, and the need for the government to lead -- even if his own administration's energy policies make a mockery of Carter's wise conservation proposals of the 1970s. Sure some will dismiss Bush's conservation call as just the latest act of post-Katrina political theater scripted by Karl Rove. But who knows Perhaps Bush, who has staked his presidency on a global crusade to defend energy supplies from threats to the American way of life, ... If we fail to act soon, we will face an economic, social and political crisis that will threaten our free institutions.

    Many parents around the country applauded Carter's action and so did the governor. I think he's a hero, ... Obviously, not every kid is going to the NBA. How they do in school will determine how they do in life.

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