Quotes about caskets (9 Quotes)

    I see rows of caskets lining up in front of this TV set... and I see actual loved ones picking up the hands of the dead and letting them touch the screen and people are getting raised.

    I can't imagine any other Canadian prime minister trying to manipulate public opinion by hiding the caskets of fallen soldiers. He hopes that out of sight is out of mind. Canadians are not going to accept that.

    When you read about a car crash in which two or three youngsters are killed, do you pause to dwell on the amount of love and treasure and patience parents poured into bodies no longer suitable for open caskets?

    Hillenbrand Industries does hospital beds and caskets. So it's vertical integration, as we like to say, ... It's one of these forgotten names -- I shouldn't say forgotten, but less-known names. They've done very well in the first quarter. In our personal portfolio, it's been one of our best picks. Again, it's a name that's not a household name. Not many people want to talk about that stuff -- it's not an exciting business -- but it's a stock that's done very well, and is probably going to be a value play, a defensive type play.

    Prior to 1850, caskets were like Dracula's they were widest at the shoulder and narrowed down. When they dug a grave, they dug down to a point and then they dug the hole to match the shape of the coffin. This produced a shoulder of undisturbed soil, the coffin ledge, that the archeologist was probing. I tried it, and it takes quite some skill.

    Your fortune stood upon the caskets there,
    And so did mine too, as the matter falls;
    For wooing here until I sweat again,
    And swearing till my very roof was dry
    With oaths of love, at last- if promise last-
    I got a promise of this fair one here
    To have her love, provided that your fortune
    Achiev'd her mistress.

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