Quotes about castillo (13 Quotes)

    Hill is the best in the business. He taught me a lot about being at the right place at the right time, and knowing about the hitters. McKeon, Cabrera, Delgado, Castillo -- they talked to me. They all helped me out on where to be in certain situations. It taught me more than what I knew in Double-A.

    After that fight, they ranked (Castillo) in the top 10 pound-for-pound. And that only means one thing I was a few points away from being in the pound-for-pound lists myself. It's up to me to get it (now) it's up to me to situate myself. Now, I see the bigger picture and it feels comfortable.

    Jack has done a fine job for the club during his time in a Pittsburgh uniform. Not only are the Pirates happy to have him for three more years, the organization is elated to have him and second baseman Jose Castillo playing defense up the middle for years to come.

    All of our stunts guys, too. Rich Taylor, David Pingry, Dave Castillo, Jimmy Roberts, our stunt coordinator, these guys all came off the pro circuit and at 28, 29 years old they're retired from the sport because their bodies had taken such a beating at that point I've gone out riding with those guys a lot since the film, and it's cool because you don't get that kind of training every day.

    This is not a punishment. Castillo just needs to understand and realize that in order to become the player that he is capable of becoming, you can't allow environment to change your approach as a player that makes you very, very good.

    With Castillo out, Freddy's shown he's more valuable as an everyday player than part-time. Besides playing well at second and short, he's played excellent third base. It's like having two shortstops on the left side.

    There is so much pride in Jose Luis Castillo. It is a pleasure to promote him. He is a gentleman and a family man. He is someone who trains and who is dedicated to the sport of boxing.

    I think we're fine. Health-wise we're not where we need to be. We're 7-11 and played without our top two guys (Shannon Stewart and Luis Castillo) for four games now. ... Of course, we haven't played worth a flip on the road, and that's what's disturbing. You're not going to get anywhere doing that.

    I'm not going to muck up his win, ... I'm not going to even entertain that there was an unfair advantage tonight. I'm not going to destroy what that man worked for. He went out there, did a good job, and I congratulate Jose Luis Castillo. Give him his due. I didn't want my win destroyed last time. I won't destroy his.

    I know Castillo is going to come forward. But Corrales absolutely made the first fight by doing that. He's been known to box a lot more and control the tempo a little more. But he walked right in against Castillo and made the left hook the punch of choice. If he does that again, it becomes more of an exciting fight for the fans.

    The commission was concerned about the working relationship between myself and Judge Castillo when I served as presiding judge in 2003. I regret that despite my apology to that judge and my efforts to restore a working relationship he chose to file a complaint,

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