Quotes about caucasus (10 Quotes)

    Is it really a concern about humanitarian problems ... We are open to that and confirm that today. But those organizations who we welcome in the Caucasus, why are they so indifferent to the situation in Yugoslavia

    When the interests of Western states and those of Russia collide in the Caucasus, when the leaders of those Western states comprehend the level of danger to the entire civilized world that emanates from Russia, then they will line up and beg us Chechens to agree to end the war.

    We are hoping to be able to conclude consultations on the action plans for all three countries of the South Caucasus as rapidly as possible, and consultations up to this point have gone very well. We've just completed the second round - - the first was held just before Christmas -- and we are making very good progress. We are narrowing down the number of topics that still have to be tackled.

    Afghanistan and Iraq lack stability. The situation in the South Caucasus is also complex. The pressure that NATO and US political and military structures are exerting on Central Asia is heightening tension in the region,

    We must remember, too, that the Russian population of the Caucasus are to a large extent Muslims, and the areas such as Georgia which have aspirations of their own.

    It's on the Black Sea. It was a traditional summer resort for the old Soviet Union. It's at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains. In one of the pictures in the bid you see palm trees and snow. The city is in the 50s in the winter and then you have better snow there than in Turin.

    This is a paranoid regime. Even if the development of the Caucasus airfields even if it weren't about them, they would assume it was about them. So that in and of itself will likely provoke a response. The Iranians are not inert targets If they started to think we were moving in the direction of a military move against them, they would start fighting us right away.

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