Quotes about caucuses (16 Quotes)

    We're looking forward to the playoffs that are going to begin tomorrow, ... I'm sure the folks in New Hampshire aren't going to be affected much by the Iowa caucuses.

    Dan Quayle is completely committed to this campaign, and we understand that the real test will occur early next year when voters cast their ballots in the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary,

    I believe Iowa should be first. But I think they're going to have to change their process to prohibit that kind of behavior inside the caucuses, because if that were to continue, I wouldn't do it again.

    Instead of focusing on electing a president in 2008, this commission appears to be heading down a precipitous path. If you have all theses caucuses front-loaded, Democrats will end up with a nominee by the middle of January.

    Front-loading the calendar with new caucuses would make the process narrower and less democratic, and it would be a huge setback to Democrats' efforts to carry Iowa and New Hampshire in the future.

    What I'm looking for tonight is the results here in Georgia. Can Edwards have a comeback here Can he win the Minnesota caucuses Can he keep it close in New York and Ohio And barring a miracle, I mean a real miracle, John Kerry will be within a stone's throw of winning the nomination.

    Precinct caucuses are a great way to get involved at the grass-roots level. They help form the foundation for local and active involvement among Democrats this year as we get into the 2006 campaign season.

    As an active member of the Air Force, Army and Mine Warfare Caucuses, I meet with enlisted personnel and officers on a regular basis to learn more about their needs, both on the job and with their families.

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