Quotes about cendant (8 Quotes)

    Payne's second selection is travel firm Cendant. It has four or five different household names in terms of travel. When Enron popped up, this stock went from 21 to 15 almost for no reason except they were guilty of some accounting issues in the past, ... I think the company is starting to recoup its reputation. I think when the stock gets above 20 it's going to attract a lot of buyers.

    The share price appreciation of each of these companies has significantly outperformed its respective industry groups, the SP 500 and Cendant, giving greater credence to our view that the aggregate valuations of the four proposed new companies will exceed that of Cendant today,

    This report brings to a close a difficult period for Cendant employees and shareholders alike. The investigation has identified how a group of people at CUC deliberately deceived and misled investors and business partners -- and reveals a corporate culture that encouraged this behavior.

    Walter Forbes's decision and the corporate governance changes approved today end any uncertainty about the future direction and leadership of Cendant. That uncertainty was a serious impediment to conducting our business and the process of restoring trust in our company.

    The SEC is launching more investigations into more big companies than ever before, ... The list of targets includes plenty of Fortune 500 players, including Bankers Trust, Cendant, Waste Management and W. R. Grace.

    aiRES' open architecture andflexibility will allow WestJet to more effectively implement change andquickly respond to market conditions. Over the past year, our teams haveworked together to ensure that WestJet had the right foundation for successin executing against our business strategy, and the tools to be able torespond to changing market and competitive conditions. Cendant and IBS havebeen able to deliver based on our unique needs, and we're excited about thefuture opportunities that await us.

    Cendant was the unrecognized harbinger of financial disasters to come. It was the harbinger in the late 1990s of how the quest for higher stock prices led managers astray.

    This relationship with Cendant is a tremendous opportunity for Spot Runner to put the power of television advertising into the hands of hundreds of thousands of real estate brokers and sales associates. This is an important step towards furthering our mission to break down the barriers that have previously prevented local businesses from using television as part of their marketing arsenal. Spot Runner's simple online platform combined with its dedicated library of high-quality real estate ads make it ideal for real estate professionals to promote their services or highlight individual property listings in a given market. This promises to revolutionize the way real estate is marketed at the local level.

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