Quotes about changeups (13 Quotes)

    He still has his velocity. His command is a big thing. He's missing with his changeup. His last two times out, he's given up home runs on high changeups. He's also having a hard time getting his breaking ball where he wants it.

    You definitely analyze it. You don't overanalyze it, that's for sure. Basically I went out there with a game plan. I'm going to throw fastballs, I'm going to throw changeups, and I'm going to mix a few curveballs in there. And that's what I did.

    I want to work on changeups to lefties. I'd just thrown a fastball and he pulled it foul, so I thought it was a good time for something slow. He hit it out on his front foot, but he kept his hands back.

    I got it done today. I really didn't have my 'A' game. ... I really didn't feel like I had good zip on my fastball today, but I was still able to locate it pretty good. I know I got them looking for fastballs, and then started throwing changeups a little.

    I was able to make pitches right from the get-go. The biggest focus is trying to establish the strike zone early with my two-seam fastball and throw some changeups.

    Right now, we have to throw more fastballs and changeups on the verge of a walk, and that's not where we want to be. We want to be where, if we're behind in the count, we have the confidence to throw the knuckleball for a strike and not have to give in.

    I got some easy outs in some quick innings with some changeups to the lefties, ... Coming back and taking the lead, giving us momentum after the fifth inning, I just started feeling strong and stronger. I felt like my fastball was livelier. The wind stopped pushing so much at my back, which I think made my breaking ball a little bit better because early on I didn't think it was good.

    He's throwing cutters. He's throwing into left-handers, throwing changeups to left-handers, and it used to be just sinkers and changeups away for effect and go back out there. He's pitching in a lot more and he's manipulating the baseball off his fastball.

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