Quotes about checkup (8 Quotes)

    They'll notice more energy, less stress, more vigor and when they go for their checkup, they will probably be told, over time, that their blood pressure is lower and their cholesterol is lower.

    It's a good idea to discuss toilet teaching with your child's doctor at the 9- month checkup and begin talking about the concept with your child by the time she reaches 18 months so that she's familiar with it. It's certainly too early to train, ... but by making the potty visible and acknowledging it, you make toileting a natural part of what the child will be doing when he gets older.

    People are willing to pay their doctors for their annual check-up. I think people should start paying someone to give them an annual financial checkup.

    During a routine physical, I asked my doctor about the signs indicating an enlarged prostate. He explained the symptoms, which basically matched what I was experiencing. During my checkup, he found that I did indeed have an enlarged prostate.

    The vice president is slated to have an elective surgical procedure to treat an aneurysm in the artery behind the right knee that was discovered earlier this year during a routine checkup.

    We have enough evidence to charge him. There are several proofs of his crime. For example, the victims' confession, his landlord's testimony and checks on his computer and medical checkup of the victims.

    The terrible, diabolic thing with this disease is that you are always looking behind your shoulder every couple months with the most recent checkup to see whether there is any sign of it, and I thank God to say at this point there is not.

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