Quotes about chinook (4 Quotes)

    Yesterday the broken city was filled with the noise of Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters and its still partly flooded highways were filled with rescue crews in flat-bottomed boats, searching those sections of the city still believed to have people living in them. The sounds of New Orleans were jazz, people laughing, people eating a good meal, ... And now the sounds of New Orleans are helicopters and army vehicles. This is almost surreal.

    Chinook forecasts for the ocean are going to be down considerably. We have some new (Endangered Species Act) constraints on lower Columbia River stocks that will force us to reduce quotas.

    This is an exciting and meaningful opportunity for Kerr-McGee. The Chinook field has outstanding rock quality, and its potential could expand as we continue our appraisal program to delineate the full extent of the reservoir.

    The Bonneville Power Administration tells us that we are going to be spending close to 700 million a year trying to help these fish recover. And yet we know that somewhere between 30 and 50 percent of the returning Snake River fall chinook are actually harvested out in the ocean or in the rivers.

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