Quotes about choppers (8 Quotes)

    They introduced all the riders with a new production, ... Tyler Evans drove in a Ferrari. Another rider an ambulance came with the siren on and then these two EMS guys got out pulled out a gurney, there was a white sheet and the guy sat up and waved. It was playing on the danger a little bit. Another guy rode in on a big, fat chopper really long, like one of those American Choppers . So there's a big production and then that guy's voice imitates supercross voice. It's very epic.

    It's truly unbelievable. Remember, this is one of the beacons of New Orleans the convention center Now, it's packed with people who are waiting for anything buses, choppers to get them out of this city, where floodwaters have become only one on a growing list of dangers.

    Any patients who are critically ill at this point, have either died - and there have been a few that have literally died in the parking deck waiting to be taken out by choppers - or they are still having their bags - air pumped into their lungs by handbag as doctors and hospital officials sat there pushing air into their lungs.

    There is great anger this time owing to the loss of lives in communities attacked by the choppers. We have very little regard for the lives of these hostages as we have lost a number of civilians in these raids.

    I saw a little ticker at the bottom of the TV that there weretwo choppers that went down in Africa and then I knew it was Donnie, and the military came by at 930 p. m. and said that he was missing and by 2 p. m. Saturday they confirmed that his body was recovered.

    We're moving eight choppers over, ... One of the biggest concerns for the government of Pakistan is not enough airlift capacity to get in some of the rural areas where people are suffering.

    The chopper market is nice. It's definitely a different market. Those full-blown choppers are a lot more radical, with the front end all raked out. We want to give our customers options, so we picked up the custom Vengeance line.

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