Quotes about churned (7 Quotes)

    Stargirl began to improvise. She flung her arms to a make-believe crowd like a celebrity on parade. She waggled her fingers at the stars. She churned her fists like an egg-beater. Every action echoed down the line behind her. The three hops of the bunny became three struts of a vaudeville vamp. Then a penguin waddle. Then tippy-toed priss. Every new move brought new laughter from the line.

    When I first got to the bottom, I could see a little sunlight from the surface, ... But as soon as I started searching the bottom, I churned up a bunch of silt and it turned black as night.

    He who pursues people for what they can give, And yet pays no heed to those who have offered much, Is like the man who thinks only of the butter to come, And pays no heed to what has already been churned.

    It is clear that a majority of Americans could benefit from a little kick start in building their neighborhood relationships. Last year we invited neighbors to slow down and get to know one another over a scoop of our Slow Churned Light Ice Cream. We are delighted to dish up fun and ice cream for another 1,500 block parties this summer.

    This is a place that attaches itself to your heart. And that's the kind of person this school needs or can attract. But it's not necessarily one of 30 or 40 candidates churned up in a search. This person is not looking for a job and isn't necessarily easily pried loose. The good ones aren't.

    The ploy is to make Zimbabweans passive consumers of government propaganda churned out by the state-owned media everyday. The ploy is to create a media terrain of government apologists and praise singers as if that alone will save the country from the deepening political and economic crisis.

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