Quotes about chute (16 Quotes)

    Some guys come out of the chute and do well in spring training, so he's certainly capable. I don't think he'll get four balls the first time up, but he's definitely earned our respect.

    Any kid who's competitive like Cole is, thinks he should be here yesterday. If there's a blessing out of him starting slow out of the chute this year, this may be it because in big-league camp, no matter what we told him, he was going to show up he should open in Philadelphia. He's beginning to understand that he can't worry about tomorrow. He's got to take it game-by-game, and the results will speak for themselves. If his ability is what we think it is, the opportunity will be here, sooner rather than later.

    This is a difficult game to play for 90-plus minutes when you have a weekend in between. For sure it's a hell of a thing to do when you've got 48 hours. We also need to understand, and I think they do, we need to come out of the chute a little quicker, a little sharper, and get that first goal,

    People have come up to us and said, 'We live in Grand Chute, we'd like the same thing, we love the situation in Appleton, we want to keep it, we wish we could vote,' and they could vote if it was brought to them in their areas.

    So far this year that's one thing we've been good at. We come out of the chute and put some runs on the board. The starting pitcher gets something to work with and we keep pushing.

    The kid is in a league of his own. He throws pretty hard, mid-80s. And he has a very, very effective slider. He was basically untouchable today. He was just awesome, right out of the chute. You could tell it was going to be a tough day at the office.

    We came out of the chute like gangbusters. Our lack of concentration on the defensive end allowed them (the Trappers) to hit some threes ... in the first half, we basically got outplayed.

    One of the things that we're hoping for is that they have some success out of the chute. Whenever a young player has some success in a certain phase of the game it kind of becomes contagious. Then they play with a little more confidence.

    Initially, when they came out of the chute after the '91 recession, they hit a highly responsive chord with a public that was more focused on value. But even affluent people would go in and buy more goods.

    He made this thing 25 years ago. It's a cargo chute that's been rubberized. There's a foot-wide Velcro seam up the middle. Everybody picks it up and walks it in. Art Lloyd uses a truck with a boom to pull out the pole after the festival.

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