Quotes about cio (15 Quotes)

    Managers at the Colville National Forest seem more interested in selling trees than managing the forest.Managers of every national forest are mandated to perform an ecosystem inventory every 10 years to document the number and type of trees in their forests. It's an involved procedure that's planned and budgeted for years in advance. And without it, managers can't be sure that they're correctly managing their forests. But Cynthia Reichelt, who has worked for the Forest Service for 20 years, says she's never seen an inventory like the one underway now in the Colville National Forest in Eastern Washington. Reichelt admits that inventorying at the Colville forest was never the best, but this time, forest officials tried to skip it all together, she says. Reichelt says that her supervisors wanted to use the money for planning timber sales instead. When the Spokane Public Lands Council discovered what was going on and filed an injunction, Reichelt says forest managers directed employees to inventory the entire forest in just one year half the time it would normally take so that the work wouldn't conflict with an upcoming timber sale. They're rushing through it, taking fragmented aerial inventories, classifying stands of trees on economic status and using some strange voodoo to determine old-growth stands, Reichelt says. This isn't an ecosystem inventory, this is an attempt to pacify the public. Under federal whistleblower protections Reichelt has been reassigned to the newly organized Information Resources Management unit of the Office of the CIO.

    Turner's experience as a proven leader of people in Wal-Mart's incredibly dynamic sales environment his IT background as CIO of a world-class company and his familiarity with our products and technologies as a Microsoft customer for more than a decade uniquely qualify him to serve as our COO,

    We made sure the CIO was happy, ... The CIO has a veto and they don't hesitate to use it because they lose their jobs if the security and reliability of company data is compromised.

    Today's CIO confronts a formidable array of management and technical issues. The good news is that as they face challenges and opportunities, they benefit from the federal marketplace reforms put in place by the Clinger-Cohen Act.

    When I was in government it was routine for these CIO agents and their factional counterparts in government and ZANU PF politicians to abuse me as a scapegoat for anything they were unable to explain or defend.

    The CEO era gave rise to the CFO (not certified flying object, as you might imagine, but chief financial officer) and, most recently, the CIO, chief investment officer, a nice boost for the bookkeeper you can't afford to give a raise . . .

    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange is close to that -- its entire mission-critical trading system is based on either Sparc or x86-based Sun servers, all of which run Solaris. The exchange in July went live with a new options-trading platform running on x86-based Sun servers, and CIO Bill Morgan plans to evaluate the Galaxy systems as well as new Sparc systems next year. I'm in a business where we handle 120,000 messages a second now, and it's going to be over 200,000 next year, ... Whenever I hear a vendor is striving to upgrade capacity, that's music to my ears.

    Linux promises to fulfill the promise made by Unix a decade ago -- a truly cheap, powerful and entirely open computing architecture, ... Sun is digging in its heels fighting the trend. As a result, no self-respecting CIO will say she or he wants to do more business with Sun.

    I will not cede more power to the state. I will not willingly cede more power to anyone, not to the state, not to General Motors, not to the CIO. I will hoard my power like a miser, resisting every effort to drain it away from me. I will then use my power, as I see fit. I mean to live my life an obedient man, but obedient to God, subservient to the wisdom of my ancestors never to the authority of political truths arived at yesterday at the voting booth. That is a program of sorts, is it not It is certainly program enough to keep conservatives busy, and Liberals at bay. And the nation free.

    While the men of the steel industry were going through blood and gas in defense of their rights and their homes and their families, elsewhere on the far-flung C.I.O. front the hosts of labor were advancing and intelligent and permanent progress was being made.

    The CIO put up half a million dollars for Roosevelt's 1936 campaign and provided him with an immense group of active labor workers who played a large part in the sweeping victory he won at the polls.

    Insurance CIO CTO Pressures, Priorities, Projects, and Plans for 2006 Survey Results. In general, 2006 looks to be much like 2005. Insurers are focusing on growth, updating key core systems, embracing more flexible and affordable architectures and resource strategies, and doing it all under tight supervision from the business side.

    The Mac OS X 'challenge' was not an activity authorized by the UW-Madison. Once the test came to the attention of our CIO, she ended it... Our primary concern is for security and network access for UW services.

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