Quotes about citation (16 Quotes)

    And for the citation of so many authors, 'tis the easiest thing in nature. Find out one of these books with an alphabetical index, and without any farther ceremony, remove it verbatim into your own... there are fools enough to be thus drawn into an opinion of the work at least, such a flourishing train of attendants will give your book a fashionable air, and recommend it for sale.

    If the property owner has complied no further action is taken. But if the problem hasn't been taken care of then there will be a visit by the enforcement official and a uniformed police officer who will issue a citation and set a court date or hearing. The court, in this case Municipal Court Judge Rusty Turner, will preside at the hearing and may levy fines or set conditions for compliance as set out in the applicable ordinance.

    The court views it as unfortunate for Secretary Rubin that he has been tarnished with this contempt citation, ... What personal involvement he has had in this fiasco is unknown to this court, but what is clear is that he has totally delegated his responsibility to others and they have miserably failed to comply with this court's orders.

    People were spoiled by all the great horses in the '70s, ... The fact is, racing just got a bunch of great horses in a short time. It was 25 years between Citation (1948) and Secretariat.The currentdry spell hasbeen a little longer than that. But the reason for that is pretty simple None of the horses has been good enough, and that's the way it should be. It should take a great horse to win the Triple Crown. I don't want to see a mediocre horse get lucky and win it.

    This law requires cities to pay the companies either a fixed rate or a per citation amount to provide red light camera enforcement, ... As a result, it is no longer feasible to extend the current contract with Nestor.

    Garfield's vision was ahead of its time. He saw the potential of citation searching for researchers, but it took 40 years for the technology to advance to the point that allowed his vision to be fully realized.

    If someone is following too close, ... they can get anything from a warning to a citation or more. Trooper discretion will decide what kind of an education they need.

    We're limited by recklessness. You must reach a standard where the conduct is wanton, inconsiderate (and) you don't care what you're going to do. That's a crime. Careless driving is a citation.

    Of course, relative citation frequencies are no measure of relative importance. Who has not aspired to write a paper so fundamental that very soon it is known to everyone and cited by no one?

    We find by educating, talking and working with homeowners we achieve a high level of compliance. We want to be flexible and work with them, but if we're not seeing progress or they refuse to work toward compliance, we have that citation authority available.

    Citation officers are going to be checking areas where children walk to school. We are telling residents that if kids are walking in the street and risking injury because they haven't shoveled sidewalks, they are going to be issued an immediate fine, no warning.

    They attempt to find a current address of the registered owner of the vehicle at the time of the citation. They mail out a notice saying you have this unpaid citation and here is what you owe us. Please send it in.

    He's a convicted felon, and that's the sad truth. This is nothing more than a situation involving an incorrect case citation. No one who read the case cited in the newspaper could think it involves the same Carl McAfee. It's a Wisconsin case.

    The fact that they found something else is not a concern. It's almost to be expected. When a policeman pulls you over for speeding and decides to look around your car, there's a good likelihood that if he wants to, he can find something to give you a citation for.

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