Quotes about clancy (5 Quotes)

    Everyone can play, everyone can run. Everyone's a little bit faster than maybe for their position. We have (defensive) ends running like linebackers. D-tackles running like ends. Clancy could flex things around, flex things up. Move people around. Utilize that talent. Utilize that speed. As we all know, speed kills.

    I don't write romance novels, any more than Tom Clancy writes legal thrillers. Yes, I write about love and relationships and Tom Clancy writes a thriller, but what I do would not be accepted by romance publishers, since the romance genre has numerous requirements and I don't satisfy any of them. I write love stories, a completely different genre.

    I'd walk into the Leafs dressing room to get ready for the day and Harold (Ballard, the owner) would be there in his boxer shorts shaving. King Clancy would drop by a little later, play the fool, and then head off to the racetrack.

    According to these breathless reports and baseless hysteria, some have convinced the American Library Association that under the bipartisan Patriot Act, the FBI is not fighting terrorism. Instead agents are checking how far you have gotten on the latest Tom Clancy novel,

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