Quotes about cleanest (16 Quotes)

    While California does have some of the cleanest cars in the world, certainly some of the cleanest businesses in the world, we have the same old dirty ships that you'll find in any port in the world and to a large extent the same old dirty polluting locomotives that you'll find anywhere in the country.

    I really do think this is the cleanest way for the public, with full disclosure, on all of the elements to make a decision, and I have confidence ... they will make a reasoned decision.

    Whatever dramas are going on in my life, I always find that place inside my head where I see myself as the cleanest, tallest, strongest, wisest person that I can be.

    One of the great things about Berkshire Hathaway is it has one of the best balance sheets and cleanest accounting on the planet, ... And if anything has come out of this period of time, it's that all this sort of fundamental and flaky stuff that's gone on during the bull market has come home to roost.

    The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps.

    Daiginjos tend to be the cleanest and the fullest at the same time. For those kind of sakes, you don't want a Western-type sauce based on acids. No vinaigrettes, and no tomato sauces. The classic pairing is fish, especially a rich, fleshy fish -- John Dory, halibut, salmon, hamachi. Depending on the style, daiginjo can go with poultry.

    Our staff understands that The Cove will be friendly, fun and the cleanest ballpark in America. We want people that some here to have a world-class experience. We can do that with the right attitude and a clear sense of expectations.

    They have nothing to do with the Sunflower. People can sue if they don't like the way you look, and there's always two sides to the story. When you're in the business world, you're involved in lawsuits unfortunately. The other people that have spoken against me, I'm sure they don't have the cleanest record either.

    There's a lot at stake. This generation can transform coal used for burning - one of the dirtiest industrial activities on the planet - to, ironically, being one of the cleanest fuels from an air pollution standpoint.

    Management has cut staff, brought in temp workers and slashed our wages and benefits, ... We deal with extremely sick people in need of the cleanest, most sterile environment and food made to their exact nutritional needs. This is a not a fast-food type of setting. When you work in a hospital, it requires a special skill set -- we need to know our jobs or else the patients will suffer. It becomes tougher every day to encourage our dedicated co-workers to stick around, because of the lack of a contract, and the cuts to our wages and benefits.

    Teddy pitched exceptionally strong. Our errors did come back and hurt us. Otherwise it was a good baseball game. It came down to who played the cleanest defensively and we did not.

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