Quotes about clermont (4 Quotes)

    They play for the good teams. We have got one of their players, Gonzalo Canale, in the center at Clermont and he is a real talent. He is one of the best centers in the world.

    It will be a physical game, but I hope it's a pretty clean game. Alan Lewis refereed our game against Clermont and we've been in contact with him. Any issues we raised he had seen already, so I expect him to be the professional he is.

    We've had problems here, and this is just going to make the perception worse that there's something not right about election counts in Clermont.

    I am sure the pride of the Clermont players will be strong at home. They have got some very good players, and not a lot of teams beat Clermont in Clermont. We must go there to win, and five victories from six starts in this group would be a very strong achievement.

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