Quotes about clipper (9 Quotes)

    If you look at our energy and our effort in the Clipper game, and then you look at tonight, it's night and day. It's not the same. The Clipper game, we pretty much kept the same high intensity level.

    I'm committed to seeing this history preserved. I don't want to see this history relegated to the back of a garage for the next 100 years. ... A new chapter will have to be added to the history of the clipper ships.

    These clipper ships of the early 1850's were built of wood in shipyards from Rockland in Maine to Baltimore. These architects, like poets who transmute nature's message into song, obeyed what wind and wave had taught them, to create the noblest of all sailing vessels, and the most beautiful creations of man in America. With no extraneous ornament except a figurehead, a bit of carving and a few lines of gold leaf, their one purpose of speed over the great ocean routes was achieved by perfect balance of spars and sails to the curving lines of the smooth black hull and this harmony of mass, form and color was practiced to the music of dancing waves and of brave winds whistling in the rigging. These were our Gothic cathedrals, our Parthenon but monuments carved from snow. For a few brief years they flashed their splendor around the world, then disappeared with the finality of the wild pigeon.

    The history that's going to be revealed when this book is published is going to shake up the maritime world. I've discovered several West-Coast-built ships that were the first of their kind to be built anywhere in the world. I've also discovered the last clipper ship built in the United States, and possibly the fastest clipper ship ever built.

    Within two years of the Minturn disaster, they had lifesaving stations every four or five miles along the coast. The Minturn was right on the cusp of the glory days of the clipper ship trade, so the government had to do something to protect foreign trade and the shipping lanes.

    He conveyed that to (co-owner) Ken Wagner. Ken stopped in Vancouver and met with Shaun and his father on Sunday morning, hoping to convince him on the merits of being a Nanaimo Clipper.

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