Quotes about coachella (9 Quotes)

    We're expecting a positive reaction, ... It's a win-win situation for the city, the residents of Indian Wells, the residents of the Coachella Valley and for us. We hope to have a positive resolution.

    We are making decisions like this, out of the ordinary. You don't see other foundations do things like this, build a golf course and then give it away. We're trying to think outside of the box a little bit and think how we might benefit the entire Coachella Valley with the one gift, how we can benefit so many other charities in the valley other than what we can personally affect with what we do.

    We had a great experience last time. It was first class. Coachella offers a very exciting crowd, with excellent support for the national team. The players enjoyed the interaction with the crowd especially comments and reactions after the game.

    On behalf of the Indian Wells Tennis Garden, we are thrilled to be able to host, for the residents of the Coachella Valley, one of the most successful and popular bands in music history.

    We're hoping she can represent Coachella that she can increase the level of service we provide (our) members and therefore partner with the city to really enhance the business community.

    We all had the same goals in mind and we fund a lot of the same charities. We thought this was an ideal situation, a gift that would go on in perpetuity that the Coachella Valley will benefit from for years to come.

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