Quotes about colorectal (16 Quotes)

    Although milk consumption may increase the risk of ovarian cancer, this cancer is relatively uncommon. In contrast, there is strong evidence that milk consumption (and a high intake of calcium, which is found in milk) may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, which is a much more common cancer than ovarian cancer. Consumption of low-fat milk might also lower the risk for other diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

    Because we don't have good evidence of how to prevent colorectal cancer, the importance of early detection through regular screenings should be emphasized for both women and men from age 50 onward.

    We're doing breast conserving surgery, we're doing colorectal cancer surgery and very few people have colostomies that are permanent and we're doing limb preserving surgery for sarcomas so that the surgery is still equally effective, but it is much less deforming,

    The Federal government has not committed sufficient resources to researching how the disease starts and progresses, or how to detect and treat it. When accounting for all Federal funding on specific cancers, the U.S. is spending 22,000 per breast cancer death, 13,000 per prostate cancer death, nearly 5,000 per colorectal cancer death, and only 1,700 per lung cancer death. Considering that lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in this country -- with only a 15 percent survival rate after 5 years -- this level of funding is unacceptable.

    It's still important to eat a high-fiber diet. Even though our study didn't find a reduction for colorectal cancer, other studies show that high-fiber diets reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

    Several earlier studies have found that, among patients with a history of colon polyps or cancer, regular aspirin treatment prevents the recurrence of precancerous polyps. However, the ability of aspirin to reduce the long-term incidence of invasive cancer has not been well-demonstrated. Our study did find a protective effect of long-term aspirin use on risk of invasive colorectal cancer, but only at dosage levels considerably higher than those used to prevent cardiovascular disease.

    I'm excited by the complete shift in attitudes, ... Twenty years ago, when I did my first report on colorectal cancer, there was tremendous resistance (from news directors).

    Even though we couldn't find an association with colorectal cancer, fruits and vegetables definitely protect for other important diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and potentially other cancers. These are some of the best foods we can eat -- there is no doubt about it.

    With increased awareness of this connection, IBD patients can initiate or maintain an open dialogue with their physicians and discuss their personal and family history of colorectal cancer as well as symptoms and medications, which are crucial components to cancer prevention.

    Rates of colorectal cancer screening should be as good as or better than mammography rates if the nation really wants to gain the greatest level of benefit from both a prevention and early detection standpoint.

    The good news is that we can prevent many deaths from colorectal cancer through screening, ... If you've celebrated your 50th birthday and have never been screened for colorectal cancer, start now.

    Colorectal cancer is a lethal disease, but certainly a preventable one if screenings are done at the appropriate time and intervals. Education and screening are the keys to preventing colorectal cancer.

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