Quotes about columnist (16 Quotes)

    So, too, for reporters who routinely write stories using morgue clippings for background, or who work to catch up on a competitors reportage and err by not independently confirming every single detail. So, too, for every columnist who ever used reported material -- either his own newspapers or that of another -- as the given terrain on which to maneuver. A lot of people need to be fired, apparently.

    I was on the nude beach. With my camera, with our Spanish-language columnist and his son. I took some shots, nude, watching all these nudists staring up at the helicopter. And then I put my pants on and covered the rest of the story.

    Maureen Dowd, a greatly gifted columnist for The New York Times, never writes down to her readers. Writing about Vice President Dick Cheney , she said that a few years ago he created a Machiavellian Mobius strip. ... he hardly looks like Willie Stark.

    No one likes to be ticketed for double-parking. That is no excuse for you to tolerate columnist Carmine Santa Maria's use of profanity and otherwise vulgar and disrespectful language in excoriating traffic enforcement agents who do their duty.

    Roberts pulled out of the 1998 Masters after breaking two ribs while sneezing. The sneeze 'sent me to my knees and I kind of felt something pop,' he reported. Wrote Golf Magazine columnist David Feherty 'He was lucky. If it had been a (lower intestinal emission), he might have shattered his pelvis.'

    A Milwaukee columnist has launched a campaign to bring back the old m-b logo, and Ned Yost is all for it. I like the logo, ... It wouldn't bother me if they changed back to it. I'm like everybody else. I'd love the hats.

    Recently the country has seen too much of our legislators, seeing them as a gaggle of check-kiting, judge-smearing deadbeats who don't pay their restaurant bills but raise their pay in the middle of the night. Many Americansthis columnist includedhitherto said tax increases are justified by the budget deficit now say Give that mob more money Never. Not a nickel of new taxes until term limits change the political culture on Capital Hill.

    The Yahoo Finance columnists are some of the brightest minds in the industry and strengthen our ability to provide essential financial information to our users. Yahoo Finance is already the number one financial destination on the Internet, and we believe this addition is a strong beginning to developing a comprehensive columnist series for our users.

    Talented ESPN.com columnist Bill Simmons will be at Borders in Mission Valley at 6 tonight to sign copies of his book, Now I Can Die in Peace. ... Think of it as the director's cut of a DVD, with the footnotes serving as the commentary.

    Early that week, someone in the administration told syndicated newspaper columnist Robert Novak that Wilson's CIA operative wife had instigated his trip to Niger. I didn't dig it out it was given to me, ... They thought it was significant.

    Jack Anderson, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist who's a native of Utah, recently said after an appearance at Utah State University that Hatch has little chance of winning. I'm sorry to see (Hatch) make a fool of himself, ... He's a good man.

    At the same briefing Thursday at which McClellan challenged Roberts, he lit into Hearst columnist Helen Thomas when she asked about Iraq. After Thomas, who has repeatedly criticized Bush over the war, disputed McClellan's answer by saying that Iraq had nothing to do with 911, ... I'm sure you're opposed to the broader war on terrorism.

    Tonight, a surprising new development in the CIA leak investigation. Karl Rove's testimony to a federal grand jury is being reported. The testimony suggests that President Bush's political adviser may not have been the original source for the Valerie Plame leak. Rove testifying that he first learned about Plame from columnist Robert Novak, a CNN contributor. Dana Bash reports.

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