Quotes about combative (14 Quotes)

    You could easily find combative moments in Kurt's life, and there are places in the film where things could have been really dramatic,

    It wasn't combative, but it wasn't positive. They weren't on the same page. We spoke to Ron and he was very positive. He told me he wants to play basketball, he wants to be here. That's all I know.

    Jochen is a lot closer to playing. He had a real good day Thursday and went through all the combative stuff and didn't feel any pain. Just from talking to him, I would think he's itching to go either today or Monday. We'll make sure with the doctor, who w

    You have to evaluate as the tempo goes up, the combative stuff that we're doing. If there are no repercussions from that, then you gotta make decisions. How do you utilize him How do you get him in

    Another one of his big signings, Foxy Brown, a combative female rapper whose career has lately faded, could also prove a mistake. That's going to be his biggest challenge, ... He's going to have to start from scratch introducing her to a new audience.

    He was strapped and apparently unresponsive. All of a sudden, he woke up startled and very combative. He fought one of the paramedics to the point he was able to get through the exit door.

    In the absence of specifics that would throw his nomination into doubt, Democrats will be loath to want to be as combative and confrontational as they might otherwise be.

    Many leading Democrats say they are uneasy about Dean's candidacy for president and are reluctant to cede him the nomination for fear that his combative style and antiwar stance will leave Democrats vulnerable in November. They acknowledge Dean has run a strategically savvy campaign that has made him the candidate to beat. But their worry has been heightened anew, they say, by Dean's statement this week that the capture of Saddam Hussein did not make America safer ... I did not believe the theory I was putting out.

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