Quotes about complies (16 Quotes)

    America cannot hold itself as a moral beacon to the world if it violates the rule of law by engaging in illegal spying, torture and secrecy. The ACLU is committed to making sure that our government complies with universally recognized human rights principles and upholds our Constitution.

    Although Beijing has supported Internet use for education and business, it fiercely polices content. Filters block objectionable foreign Web sites, and regulations ban perceived subversive or pornographic content and require service providers to enforce censorship rules. When we operate in markets around the world, we have to ensure that our service complies with global laws as well as local laws and norms.

    Beyond internal support for wireless connectivity standards, Secure Digital will add media storage. You could have a song database on your Palm, ... SD already complies with the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI).

    It's a stupid idea to believe that somebody can destroy Israel now. The moment Israel complies and accepts for us to live in a state beside Israel, I assure you we, the independent Palestinians, will fight anybody who threatens that agreement.

    This is a bigger issue than any labor dispute between the company and the Steelworkers. We are committed to ensuring that Giant complies with the law. The health and safety of our members and of the general public will not be traded away at the bargaining table.

    I can't do anything about the last couple of years now. They are a different team now and so are we. We're excited to play some great competition and why not start it against the West Division favorites I just hope the weather complies.

    We think that if your company complies with the FDA processes, if you bring forward the benefits and risks of your drug, and let your information be judged through a process with highly trained scientists, you should not be second-guessed by state courts that don't have the same scientific knowledge.

    What the president has said is that we do not torture. And he said that while we need to be aggressive in the war against terror, we also have to do it in a way that complies with U.S. law, with U.S. treaty obligations and with the Constitution.

    We think that the salmon and the people who depend on them in this region have waited too long for a plan that complies with the law. If the federal agencies want more than a year, they're going to need to show some real leadership. That's what people in

    We are confident that this project complies with copyright law. This project represents an enormous leap forward in the public's ability to search and find knowledge.

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