Quotes about concourse (8 Quotes)

    That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy.

    A large whale was taken betwixt my land abutting on the Thames and Greenwich, which drew an infinite concourse to see it, by water, horse, coach, and on foot, from London, and all parts. ... It would have destroyed all the boats, but ... after a long conflict, it was killed with a harping iron, struck in the head, out of which spouted blood and water.

    The vast concourse of people who had assembled to witness the triumphant arrival of the successful travellers was of the lowest orders of mechanics and artisans, among whom great distress and a dangerous spirit of discontent with the government at that time prevailed.

    How tied are those two to this franchise There are two statues out on the concourse of Minute Maid Park. One is Biggio. The other is Bagwell. That ought to tell you all you need to know. In a lot of ways they are the franchise.

    Age should fly concourse, cover in retreat defects of judgment, and the will subdue walk thoughtful on the silent, solemn shore of that vast ocean it must sail so soon.

    Someone receives a promotion, gets an important assignment, makes a major discovery, or moves into the president's office. ''He's lucky',' an envious person remarks. ''He gets the breaks they're always in his favor'.' In reality, luck or the breaks of life had little or nothing to do with it. So-called ''luck'' usually is found at the exact point where preparation meets opportunity. For a time, an individual may get ahead by ''pull',' but eventually someone with push will displace him. Success is not due to a fortuitous concourse of stars at our birth, but to a steady trail of sparks from the grindstone of hard work each day.

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