Quotes about concussion (16 Quotes)

    Anytime you get hit in the head with a stick, (a concussion) is one concern. Generally you wait 24 hours and see how they are. The team had a day off (yesterday). I think we'll know more (today). As far as I know he did not go in for any tests. He had a conversation with (trainer)Don Del Negro that he felt OK, and Donny said he'd just see him (this) morning.

    He got a blow to the head (Thursday) -- that we weren't aware of -- in practice and it seems some of the symptoms which are a concern medically in terms of (a possible concussion) and with only two days left before the game, it's not safe to play him.

    I don't push my drums down I go through 'em. I use my body as a battering ram. I had some sports therapists yelling at me for not taking better care of my body. I got a concussion bake in Rhode Island--no,that's where I got thrown around by this bouncer. I got the concussion in New York City. The paramedics wanted to take me to the hospital right there. But I was like, 'No, I'm cool. It's not like I'm going to settle down. I thought it was funny. The thing is, I could never afford to just trash my drums like that before, until I got my deal with Slingerland.

    I think he's going to be fine. He had a concussion but there are grades of concussions. If I showed him a picture of a truck he would say it's a truck and not a butterfly right now. He's pretty lucid. They'll do more tests on him but they seem to think he's going to be fine for next week.

    It was a black mark for hockey, but for a lot of guys, it was a blessing in disguise as they could rest up. There's quite a few guys in the NHL that really benefited from the lay-off. On our team, we had a deep playoff run and we had guys like Lombardi (concussion) who got banged up. That time off, it helps, and guys could physically and mentally recover.

    Sometimes a great wound or concussion of the head, especially which happens by falling headlong from an high place, brings a prejudice and weakness to the animal faculty, dulling the understanding.

    Her blood sugar went really low and she had a diabetic seizure. She ran into a car and then continued for almost a mile. My other daughter was pulling the wheel trying to avoid hitting on coming traffic. The older daughter had to get staples in her head because she hit the windshield and the air bags went off, my other daughter has a concussion and a bump in her head.

    Physically and mentally my body hasn't felt this good in a long time. For me (the NHL lockout) was somewhat of a blessing in that I still had those concussion symptoms for a long time, post-playoffs. Although I would have tried skating in camp last year, I probably wouldn't have been ready to go.

    It's hard to really praise the safety with what happened over the weekend, but from the other side of the coin, I just have a little cut, didn't have a concussion, and I have some bruises on my lungs. You can make an argument both ways.

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