Quotes about configured (15 Quotes)

    What's new here is that we now have one tool and one set of interfaces that manages Windows servers and desktops and Linux servers and desktops, and which can be configured to run in a Linux environment. That one toolset provides the customer with complete freedom of choice.

    So the challenge was to revitalize what a three-row vehicle could be. We needed to appeal to more people, with more functions for the lifestyles of buyers who are outside the definition of the usual minivan buyer. This vehicle needed to show the advantages of what three rows can do as a way of serving a market that's mostly being ignored, We know how vans are used and how they're configured. We wanted to look at the social aspect, and at how we could use an interior to bring families closer together to enhance their experience. So we created this relaxed lounge environment.

    Third Wave is well versed in the HCV patent landscape and has taken great care to understand and respect all the major patents in the field, including those held by Innogenetics. Innogenetics' suit lacks a basic understanding of the uniqueness of Third Wave's Invader chemistry and how it is configured in our HCV analyte-specific reagents. It appears that Innogenetics filed suit against Third Wave without first understanding how our product is designed.

    The volume server market continues to evolve as richer server configurations driven by both scale-out cluster implementations and scale-up server virtualization initiatives continue to drive increased customer spending. However, even in the volume segment, the quarterly unit shipment growth of 11.5 was two-thirds the year-over-year unit growth rate observed in 4Q04, illustrating a transition toward more richly configured systems in the market.

    Further-more, partisan attachments powerfully shape political perceptions, beliefs and values, and incumbents enjoy advantages well beyond the way in which their districts are configured.

    Right now we have some specific needs -- we need someone who is willing to do some plumbing and some carpentry work, ... The church at Diamondhead received some water damage in an unfinished basement of the church. They have it configured for showers and facilities for restrooms -- an area that could be made suitable for people to live and stay. Our game plan is to first make that a habitable place. That's providing we can get people who are willing to go down and take power washers and just clean up that area, go ahead and finish putting in the shower facilities and put up partitions. Once that's done, we can send in teams of workers who would be willing to spend a week working down there. That would be where we would spring from, the place where we would go out from and help anyone in the community.

    In addition, BigHand has been configured in such a way that secretaries can work from home. This contributes greatly to our firms policy of supporting a positive work-life balance, and has been met with great enthusiasm by our staff.

    , pretend-news that every commercial TV station does, in a format configured to reflect the amount of actual content i.e. it'll run 10 minutes, tops.

    It is going to give access to immediate availability for everything that is configured on the Internet. If you want to have stock market quotes from London, by the push of a button you are going to be there. It's instant access.

    This company, as it is configured today, is unsuited to compete in the marketplace with its brand taken away, ... This is no longer the same company that we knew 10 minutes ago or even 22 months ago.

    A huge problem facing the mid market, particularly with fast-growing companies is, 'how can we standardized best practices, methodologies and templates, so we don't have re-create the wheel every time we have a new project or initiative' Typically these kinds of companies are using ad-hoc methods and have simply outgrown them. Solutions in a Box provides an automated, cost effective way to standardize, but at the same time is completely customized and configured to their business needs.

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