Quotes about conley (11 Quotes)

    Anytime you beat a D.H. Conley softball team, it means something to your program. Especially a school that is only four years old. For us to come out here and get them twice this year, it's big for our program.

    We also hung out at what was then Conley Rayne's (now Rayne's Reef) in Berlin, and there was roller skating parties and sock hop dances at church hall, too, ... By today's standards, our kids and grandkids might think we had a boring time, but it was wonderful.

    A lot of people around here are playing mediocre teams and not really getting a challenge. Like we played Conley the other day, and it was a 1-0 ballgame until the last two innings. We've seen a lot of good pitching that we normally don't see in the preseason.

    I told him that I don't think I'm ready, but the big thing he and coach Conley and Sonny all said was, without me attending and playing, that I won't know where I stand. If anything, it'll be a learning experience to see what I have to work on.

    Coach Conley made the point that I've challenged myself from the time I was young and goofy. It would be a good thing to challenge myself and see what I've got to improve on. I'd love to do it (Olympic workouts).

    Oden has more impact on a high school basketball game than anyone I've ever seen or have known of. Then you (have) Conley there with him. (Oden) gets enough on his own around the basket, but Mike is so good of knowing where (Oden) is at. They've played so many games together.

    It's going nowhere. I'm surprised by the timing. (Conley) will give (the paper) to me and I'll stick it in my pocket. I'll forward it to the powers that be.

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