Quotes about consolidate (16 Quotes)

    In any event, 2006 should be the lull before the storm - a rare opportunity for the aviation sector to consolidate ahead of the challenges likely in 2007 as fleet deliveries escalate, new products enter the market and pressures intensify on manpower costs, competition, capacity and yields.

    He's established a reformation which will allow us to consolidate the terrorism information in Washington, to see where these pieces fit together, to use the electronic analysis, the data processing as well as human analysis, to get that done.

    I waited for the idea to consolidate, for the grouping and composition of themes to settle themselves in my brain. When I felt I held enough cards I determined to pass to action, and did so.

    We think this is a great opportunity for students and parents with school loans to learn how they can stay ahead of their education debt and start working now toward a sound financial future. Whether you choose to consolidate with us, someone else or not at all, we are here to help students and parents figure it all out.

    Addressing these issues now will facilitate continued international support for Iraq's security, and it will give the newly elected Iraqi government time to assume office, address constitutional questions and consolidate its authority before confronting issues such as those addressed in this resolution.

    We have a schedule of IPO preparations. One of its key elements is meeting investors. I have already held dozens of one-on-one meetings and more large ones. So, we are working with investors and preparing to consolidate our subsidiaries. We are on schedule, and I assume we will proceed with the IPO according to the plan.

    We are No. 1 worldwide by quite a margin on the client side and expanding, according to IDC and others, every single quarter. Our expectation is that the industry will consolidate and that more of our competitors will exit.

    We're going to have to forgive a great deal of the Soviet era debt. There's no question about that. Let's face up to that. We're going to have to put in money if Russia is really going to consolidate a democracy.

    Over the last half-century, anti-Semitism has been the essential theology of the Arab world. The Arabs have wasted trillions in oil royalties on weapons of war and propaganda . . . In their flight from reason, they have failed to modernize or civilize their societies, to introduce democracy, or to consolidate the rule of law.

    It will continue to be a core holding for us, no doubt, based upon its dominant franchise and its long-term ability to consolidate and drive the way the Internet is moving,

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